User:O M G Stealth

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Hey Its like my name says! Im O M G Stealth of the Fallout,Dragonfable,Runescape,Aq Worlds,Funorb[my least fave couse of the chaos over there] Wikis!...[gasp!]..[choke]..["Medic!!!"] If you need anything about Aq Worlds Wiki,just ask! as my saying goes "Take a look! Theres no harm in asking!"


Arcanists: If you see people in a attackable hole use:magma bomb, Nalpalm Bomb, Shock bomb or MEGA BOULDER!!!!! WOOT! Usally a 1 hit kill If you see a person at the sides hidding us these following: Arrow Spells if you think you have luck or if you are just skilled, megasotrm or fissure

" Dragonfable:You Can Go to THe Quest "The Pumpkin Patch: for a 4k xp (4000 xp)

Gods of War 3 Chains Of Olympus

you would have a better chance to win the game if you have fast fingers.